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Get Your Ex Back Blog

Proven techniques to get your love back!

Don't Ever Be Afraid to Lose Him.

Hello my feminine queens, my name is Anastasia and I am a dating coach and a relationship expert. On this channel I talk specifically about how to get your ex back and sometimes I answer your questions regarding present relationships.

I hope you are getting through your breakup following the NO CONTACT rule like a champ. Keep listening to my video to get inspired to stay strong.

As always, if you have any particular question, feel free to leave a comment below. I will try to answer them as much as I can.

In this video I will explain that Relationships are not something so confusing! And if you are struggling to make an important decision about your dating situation - I am here to help.

Are you currently wondering if the man in your life is afraid to lose you? Are you afraid to lose him??

Listen, do you want to be loved, do you want to get everything from a great guy? All his love and resources? And never wonder about his intentions? Let me explain.

First of all, don't ever be afraid to lose a man! Because if a man truly loves you, he's not going anywhere.

Someone who loves you hard and then pushes you away when you're not convenient anymore, is not afraid to lose you.

Someone who tells you beautiful, heartfelt things and promises but somehow always ends up breaking your heart, is not afraid of losing you.

Someone who appears and disappears in your life, who doesn't keep promises, who doesn't put lots of effort in your relationship, does not propose to you after you have been together a while - is not afraid to lose you!

Someone who manipulates you into doing things or else… he would leave … is not afraid to lose you.

I often hear from my clients that men tell them that if she is not going to be intimate with him he is going to leave. And believe me if a man says that, he says he will leave because of it, he has decided that your value to him is low and he only wants your resources, often only your body.

So let him go, you shouldn’t be afraid to lose him either.

Most likely he will leave after you get intimate with him one time or maybe a few times or maybe a few months if he is really unpopular with others.

It is fine for him to bring up physical intimacy if he is already exclusive with you and you are in a serious relationship after a while, when you have time to get to know each other better. And you made a clear decision for yourself that you are very much interested in him. In this case, it is absolutely normal and it is still for you to decide if you want to be intimate with him.

And when he says “you don't do this for me” you “didn't do that for me”, “I don't think we are good much”, “ I'm not sure about this relationship” it means he is not that interested in you, And even if you do all those things he asks you to do for him - he will leave anyway. At this point, he's not afraid to lose you. He just wants to get as much as he can of your resources and lift his ego before he leaves.

What really happens when a man understands that you are afraid to lose him?

Your value in his eyes immediately drops. He is no longer going to see you as a drea girl, his Queen. You became an ordinary person whose value is not that important to him. Even if you are very beautiful, very successful and very popular to others.

When you start to exhibit jealousy, when you try hard to please him, when you press him for a serious relationship - he understands that he is important to you and therefore your personal value is going down for him.

He will see his opportunity to get away with murder. He will start to get aggressive, he will start disrespecting you, manipulating you because now he knows he's got you.

And that would be the actions of any ordinary man, not just an abusive manipulator. This is just human nature - we all want to have stuff for free as much as we can. And use all the resources that are given to us for no payment.

She might even go back on online dating sites and will tell you there is nothing that scary about that, all men do it. he will start exhibiting inappropriate behavior and he will start pushing your boundaries more and more.

And if you stay with him and let him get away with things by going unpunished - it will get only worse and worse with time. Up until the time comes when your ego is destroyed and he decides he has had enough of your resources and he's ready to leave.

You will feel horrible and depressed, your self esteem is gone.

But if you are not afraid to lose him and can stand up for your values - That will never happen!

You don't ever have to feel this way.

If you want to know the 10 main mistakes women make in relationships with men that low their value - I have a video on this channel.

And if you want to know about the balance of value in their relationship and the way men approach dating - there is also a video for it, I will put links below.

Understand that every action in a relationship leads to a specific result.

Each phrase has its own effect.

Take the right actions! Speak the correct phrases. Become valuable to him.

And above all, never be afraid to lose him if he doesnt fit in your boundaries.

Make him feel strong exciting emotions and he will be at your feet! .

There is an easy-to-understand logic in the dating process.

It might take a few months or maybe even a few years, but you will find the love of your life. There are 3 billion men in the world, you are destined to find yours!!!

If you have any questions regarding your dating story, you can put them in the comments section below and I will try to answer them as much as I can.

Thank you for watching and make sure to hit the subscribe button and give me a “like” to help me grow my very new channel! I will appreciate it if you hit the notification bell as well to get notified about my new videos.

Stay strong, my Queens.

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